Thursday, December 16, 2010

GERMINI:MAY 21 -- JUN 22,2011...

Gemini - Personal and Social Life in 2011:

Busy as usual, Gemini? You'll make many commitments this year - but you might have troubles keeping them all. It's better to give an honest "no" than to have to break a promise. Remember that throughout the year.

If you're trying to catch up financially, you could bite off more than you can chew. There may be times when it's wiser to turn down extra work. What good is a growing account balance when you're too tired to enjoy it? Be realistic. Too often you operate on nervous energy, so you should build yourself up. And don't forget to eat foods that nourish your body.

In spite of the extra hours you're putting in, you should see your family and friends more often in 2011. Your companions could wonder why you don't call as often. If you explain to them that you're working more, they'll understand. Just make sure they know. Otherwise, your relationships could become strained.

June and October should be your best months. Make the most of them!

Gemini - Love in 2011 - Couples:

The heightened psychic bond between you and your beloved increases the understanding between you. Don't freak out. Learn to use your abilities correctly. You prefer the rational, but intuition is better in romance.

You enjoy the company of attractive friends, but this year, thanks to Saturn in Libra, your love relationship should be rock solid. You and your partner have so much in common that you can't imagine finding anyone more compatible.

Your summer is going to be blissful, but fall will be a happy time, too. November is the biggest challenge - and come December your relationship should calm back down.

Your job will be a drag, which could put your nerves on edge - and this doesn't bode well for communication. Before you unnerve your beloved, take a walk and release all your frustrations. You work to live, you don't live to work - and love, not aggravation, is what lasts.

And don't forget to communicate. If you don't talk openly, you're not "in" your relationship fully.
Gemini - Love in 2011 - Singles:
If it's commitment you want, it should come your way. However, remember that both you and your partner will want lives of your own. Time spent apart with your own friends makes for sweeter reunions.

You're a smart person, and you're attracted to intelligent people. You crave the company of people with a lot to say. This year, you're likely to find more than one deep thinker, and among them there's likely to be one who touches your heart as well as your mind. It may, however, take you all year to find him/her.

You tend to change your mind a lot - about lovers and other matters. You can also make up your mind at the drop of a hat. If you decide that a prospective lover isn't for you, don't drop him/her like a proverbial hot potato. You could live to regret it. Everyone has bad days - so give this person another chance.